Literature and art help heal

Literature and art help heal

The Cuatrogatos Foundation began on June 30, 2017 to the project Literature and art help heal, which will provide periodic cultural activities in Spanish to the small patients of the Miami Cancer Institute of the Baptist Health South Florida hospital.

On the first day of this new program we have a guest of luxury: the popular Colombian writer and singer Marí­a del Sol Peralta, author of works like Con ... ¡true animal!, Tomatina Curatodo, heals nothing without love and so I was told to Me and I sing it to you. As part of this initial meeting, our Foundation Cuatrogatos made a donation of books for children in Spanish to the library of the institution.

We thank the team at the Miami Cancer Institute for their interest and enthusiasm for this collaboration, as well as 3MINDWARE INC. for their invaluable support of the initiative. And of course !, a special thanks to Marí­a del Sol Peralta for sharing with these Miami children their talent and sensitivity.